Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Aunt Mary's Cinnamon Rolls

I learned to make this recipe in my aunt's sunlit kitchen one summer afternoon. She always used a special cup to measure the ingredients - instead of one of those usual measuring cups she used a small glass mug. The cup I use is not exactly the same as hers, but I have never strayed from this trick. It means whoever makes this recipe has to make it her/his own - add a little bit more, or a little bit less - this recipe requires trial, error, and knowing the feel of a good dough. There are few things as therapeutic as kneading dough, letting the energy ooze through your fingers into this mass that you have watched grow from almost nothing.

This recipe is not for those who are in a hurry - it requires active waiting - so curl up with a book or movie and a cup of coffee during the in between times. Trust me, it's worth the wait when you smell the aroma of cinnamon and freshly baked dough wafting from your oven.

In a large bowl mix:

¾ cup flour
¾ T. salt
¾ cup sugar (half white and half brown)

Add and stir in:
1 ½ cups boiling water and 2 cups cold water

Then mix in:
 1 ½ T. yeast (2 pkgs)

Let rise for 20-25 minutes.

Once this liquid mixture is bubbly, add and stir in:

 ¾ cup of oil
 2 T. honey

Once honey and oil are mixed in, add and stir in:

1 cup whole wheat flour
6 cups white flour (more or less as needed)

Grease your hands and knead dough on a floured surface until smooth and elastic (about 5 minutes). Cover with a damp towel and let rise for half an hour (on top of stove or in oven that is slightly warm, but NOT hot - place a pan of water in the bottom of the warm oven to help dough rise). Punch down dough and allow to let rise another half an hour. Punch down the third time and then allow to rise for an hour and a half. After dough has risen, divide dough in half and roll out on a buttered surface into a large rectangle (about ¼ - ½ inch thick). Butter top of dough and spread evenly with brown sugar and cinnamon mix (1 ½ cups of brown sugar mixed with 3 T. cinnamon). Roll up and cut into rolls about an inch thick. Place into greased pans, or ungreased baking stones, leaving generous space for rolls to grow (tin pie pans work great for this). Once rolls fill out pans (usually takes about a half an hour) place in 350 oven and bake for 15-30 minutes. Allow to cool and then frost.

Frosting: Mix together 4 cups powdered sugar, ½ cup melted butter, touch of salt, touch of cinnamon, 1 tsp. vanilla and enough hot water to get the desired consistency. This recipe is great with vanilla bean caviar instead of the vanilla extract. For an extra kick, add 1½ tsp. espresso powder to the vanilla extract until dissolved.

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