Monday, June 25, 2012

Quinoa Salad Option #2

Today I decided to make Quinoa Salad once again, but to my dismay a few of the key ingredients from the last recipe were missing from my pantry - specifically black beans and red peppers, and I was about a 1/3 cup short on the Quinoa, but I decided to go for it anyway and found the alternative to be quite delightful. I kept the sauce recipe the same, except I was generous on the fresh ginger - it really does taste better with more! I added closer to 1 tsp. rather than 1/2 tsp this time. Since there was less quinoa, the salad has more flavor and I added half a yellow pepper and a handful of chopped strawberries for an infusion of color and flavor to take the place of the black beans and the red pepper. Delish!!

The recipe for this salad is as follows: 

2/3 cup dry quinoa - cooked and cooled (I cooked mine for 25 minutes in 1 1/2 cups boiling water and 1 T. butter - but keep in mind that I am cooking at high altitude so yours might be different :) 

Chop up the following fruits/veggies: 
1 ripe mango
4-5 strawberries
1/2 a large yellow pepper
1 ripe avocado 

Mix together in another bowl:
2 T. olive oil
Juice and zest of 1 lime
1 tsp. grated fresh ginger
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. sugar 
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

I dump the avocado into the sauce so the lime juice will keep it from browning and then gently add this mixture in with the quinoa and the fruits/veggies until everything is well combined. Yum!!

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